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Where does Wisdom come from? How do we obtain it? If we renew our minds and walk in the Spirit, will that bring wisdom?

Not necessarily, wisdom is not listed in the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).

The fruits of the Spirit are fruits of our walk in the ways of God.

If wisdom and knowledge are not fruits of the Spirit, how do we get it?

In Proverbs we are told to “get it” and in James we are told to ask for it. In Colossians 3, Paul prayed for others to have wisdom.

God was pleased with Solomon when He asked what He could do for him and Solomon did not ask for riches and an easy life or even a long life. Solomon asked God for Wisdom to lead the people. God was so delighted to hear his request that he made him very prosperous and very wise. (1 Kings 3:10)
Wisdom is more precious than rubies (Proverbs 8:11), and nothing you can desire can compare to her. We must desire Wisdom, seek Wisdom. Go out of our way to get her.

What pleases the Lord? This is important because Ecclesiastes 2:26 says that God gives wisdom to those who please Him. In Hebrews it says that Faith pleases God because one must believe that He is and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him when we are in faith. Some of that reward is His Wisdom. (Hebrews 11:6)

We have faith in God not faith in our words, or even speaking the Word of God. We need to know who we have faith in. El Shaddai (God Almighty) Elohim (Maker of heaven and earth), the One who is fully able to give us wisdom so that we can know which way to go.

What is godly wisdom?

James compares godly wisdom and worldly wisdom in chapter 3. (v. 13-18). Godly wisdom will demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit. It is not selfish and will not seek its own way. Just as Solomon did not seek his own but the good of the people that he led.

The wise listen to advice (Proverbs 12:15) and the proud think they know it all.

Seeking wisdom may be going to someone with knowledge about what you are dealing with and talking it out.

Being willing to get the knowledge and wisdom from a Godly person in your life is humility.

Psalms 1 tells us not to go to the ungodly for advice and wisdom. Be careful who you reach out to.

Is the person you are reaching out to trusting God in their own life? Do they seek wisdom from others? Are they asking God for His wisdom?

If you are young and need to ensure that you have a retirement plan, have you asked for God’s Wisdom?

If you have a medical issue, have you only gone to doctors to be treated with the latest that medical science has to offer or have you also asked God for Wisdom and done some research on your own. Doctors are smart, but they are not God and we should seek God’s Wisdom above all else.

You may ask where I should live, go to school, work? Ask God to direct your path and to give you wisdom.

Proverbs 4:7 says to get Wisdom and while you are at it get knowledge. You need knowledge and understanding in order to apply the wisdom to the situation.

This might mean you need to study.

First study the Word of God and know God’s ways. Then study whatever the area is that you need God’s Wisdom. Do you need to take a course by Dave Ramsey on finances? Do you need to study some nutrition to see what is feeding what is ailing you? Do you need to study parenting tips in order to know how to handle teenager behavior or toddlers?

What I am wondering, as I am pondering Wisdom this month with my monthly scripture calendar, is how much are we missing it because we are not asking for God’s Wisdom.

Our nation needs Wisdom.

The leaders of our nation need Wisdom

Our pastor’s and spiritual leaders need wisdom.

Our local law enforcement need wisdom.

We can ask for wisdom for ourselves, especially concerning specific situations. And we can ask for wisdom from others, especially in our family.

Pray Colossians 1:9-13) for your friends and family.

May the God of all Wisdom lead you in the way you should go. May you prosper in all your ways even as your soul prospers.