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Seasons change. Jobs change. Relationships change.

We need to have the gift to let go and embrace the change. 

Change can be growth and change can be hard.  You were created with the ability to do hard things.

Ecc 3: 1 To everything there is a season,

A time for every purpose under heaven

In some seasons we face there is a time to let go, to make room for the next season. As we approach the season of autumn which is also called fall due to the falling leaves.

In some areas there are great changes of color before the leaves fall. In my area of Texas, USA lots of trees don’t change colors to drop. And lots of trees don’t release their leaves, they are evergreen trees.

In our lives, there are some things that are supposed to change and others that are not. Children finish school and go on to work or college. Now that is a big change and requires letting go on both sides. A smooth letting go will nurture the next stage in the relationship, as we want to keep the relationships alive, just at a different level.


In the perfect world, marriage is something that changes as we grow, but not to the point of letting go. 

According to Adam in the beginning marriage was two becoming one.

Gen 2:24 a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.


Even in some marriages there is a letting go and leaving, due to the selfishness of mankind or even the separation of death.

So, how do we navigate the season of letting go?


First, turn to God and remember that the goodness of God does not change, no matter the circumstances. Lam. 3:22 – 26 This truth can be your anchor as you navigate this new season.

Pray, just honestly talk to God about the feelings you have about this change.  He is there for you.  We have a God, who is personal and cares.  Worry and angst are natural tendencies during change, so we have to make an effort to trust God and seek His wisdom.


Cast your cares and concerns on the Lord and He will sustain and guide you. (Psalm 55:22) God longs to hear from us and give us wisdom.


Seek Counsel: There is wisdom in seeking wise counsel. Getting advice from trusted people in your life will bring a balance especially when your emotions are involved. During these times it can be difficult to see clearly and others can give us a perspective we can’t see ourselves. This is a good reason to have people in your life that you can talk to about life matters. 


Continue to pray and discern the wisdom others give you. There was a king in the olden days, named Rehoboam.  When his father died and he became king, he took counsel with the old men on how to deal with the people.  Their advice was to treat them well and serve them well, they will be a servant to you forever. Then King Rehoboam talked to the young men and they said just the opposite. Their advice was to tell them, “you think my father was hard on you, I can be harder”. 


So the young king took the advice of the younger crowd and you can imagine how that turned out. You can read the story in 1 Kings 12:6-19.


So even when you receive counsel, look for the peace of God that will lead you in all your ways when you acknowledge Him.

We all go through seasons of change. Each year we put one year to rest and begin another.  The new year is a fresh slate to look forward to and embrace new growth in your life just as spring brings new leaves on the trees.