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 Experiencing God’s Presence

I am so excited and honored to have my story accepted into the new Christian Writers for Life anthology, “Experiencing God’s Presence”.

Christian believers always have God’s loving presence within and around them. A child of God is never without God’s loving and providing presence. But many times, in a believer’s busy life, it’s easy to forget God’s constant presence.

Sometimes He must come incredibly near in order to get a believer’s undivided attention and remind them of His constant presence. This book is all about being aware of God’s promised presence and involvement in the believer’s daily life.

Through the stories in this book, the Christian reader of all ages is assured and reminded of God’s constant presence and care as promised in Romans 8:38-39. Truely nothing can seperate you from God’s love.

The stories will encourage, teach, meet needs, and touch the heart of the reader.

I am taking Orders that includes a signed author copy.

Order now for your book to be personally signed and shipped to you! For a low price of $16.

Order today for your book to be signed and delivered by me to you! $16.
(no shipping fee)